I have heard this quote before, but it didn’t make a mammoth sense to me until the fruits I harvested, became a direct result of the work and effort that went into my line of work. Corporate taught me that. In order to be unusual, you will have to step out of the line that leads to the usual door. As a fresh graduate, I had to fine tune and tweak many a perspective that I had carried till date. The thought of meeting new people and trying to act mature in an environment I was not sure of scared me. All my worries diminish within ten minutes of meeting my newfound work colleagues. I was informed of my new duties and responsibilities, I underwent a training session that drew a picture of my expected actions and its outcomes, in the business of the company and its contributors. As my week progressed, so did my capabilities, I grew more confident in the tasks I was being asked to perform. I was beginning to feel part of the team. Getting to know my work mates on a daily basis made me feel that any problems I would be facing , would be quickly diminished by simply asking for help on anything I wasn't sure of. Time, I learnt that this is the most important asset and I need to prioritize it. I cannot stress enough how big of an area of growth this is for me. As a long-time procrastinator, I believe faithfully in working under stress, while recognizing its potential faults, what has been helpful for me has been to consider other people's times as valuable as my own. In the past year, I have grown a great deal when reflecting and living my personal and professional experiences under the concept of a ‘growth mindset’ as opposed to a ‘fixed mindset’, under which I allowed myself to make mistakes- rectify them and learn from them mistakes. As commonly observed, feedback and criticism are not personal, but constructive. This side of the world lets one be treated in the same rank as someone who has been in the industry for the past decade. Every individual commands the same respect irrespective of their seniority- literally translates the idea that the organization functions as a direct resultant of the work put in by everyone who works there, and every pair of hands is important. A corporate life is more diverse and inculcates independence and a sense of responsibility into fulfilling our day to day duties, helping the whole system churn its wheels and work towards a well defined goal. Most of all, I am glad I received a strong foundation from my time in the EC department of VVIET which helped me develop the required skills for any such work environment.
Mrs. Pooja Belliappa, Retail Business Support Amazon Development Center, Bengaluru