Sl. No. | Innovative Technique | Objective | Outcome |
1 | 3-D Animation |
1. Owing to the complex aspects of subjects like machine design, measurements etc. teaching with conventional way has led to a poor understanding among engineering students. The objective is to make the students better understanding of subjects by using pictures and videos accompanied by the 3D animated sequences. 2. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of 3D animations on understanding how well the students grasp the subject compare to traditional teaching techniques. |
1. Teaching with the help of 3D animations will result in better understanding of the complex concepts of the electrical subjects. 2. There will be a significant improvement of knowledge and a better acceptance of 3-D animation assisted teaching among the students. 3. Furthermore, it will benefit the students to remember for long time since the 3-D pictorial representation of concepts will have a long-lasting impact on Human Brain. |
2 | Collaborative Learning |
1. In small groups, students can share strengths and also develop their weaker skills. 2. They develop their interpersonal skills. 3. They learn to deal with conflict. 4. When cooperative groups are guided by clear objectives, students engage in numerous activities that improve their understanding of subjects explored. |
1. Collaborative learning is commonly illustrated when groups of students work together to search for understanding, meaning, or solutions or to create an artefact or product of their learning. 2. Collaborative learning redefines traditional student-teacher relationship in the classroom. 3. Collaborative learning activities can include collaborative writing, group projects, joint problem solving, debates, study teams, and other activities. The approach is closely related to cooperative learning. |
3 | Blended Learning |
1. To utilize the online resources and courses to inculcate self-learning 2. To blend online learning activities with traditional teaching and guiding. 3. To communicate with the team members to enhance team work. |
1. Utilize online resources and courses using smart phones or laptops for self-learning 2. Find the relevant online courses and apply the knowledge in real time projects. 3. Communicate with the team for knowledge sharing and to understand the concepts. |
4 | Mind Mapping |
1. Help students brainstorm and explore any idea, concept, or problem 2. Facilitate better understanding of relationships and connections between ideas and concepts. 3. Allow students to easily recall information 4. Help students take notes and plan tasks 5. Make it easy to organize ideas and concepts |
1. On completion of PBL student will be able to do projects related to subject 2. Increases long term retention of content. 3. Improves problem solving and collaboration skills, student’s attitude towards learning. |
5 | Project Based Learning |
To apply subject knowledge in real time applications |
1. On completion of PBL student will be able to do projects related to subject. 2. Increases long term retention of content. 3. Improves problem solving and collaboration skills, student’s attitude towards learning. |
6 | Crossword |
1. Adding fun to learning creates the best educational experience possible. It makes students get easily involved and give their best out of it. 2. When photocopying became commonplace, so did opportunities for educators to create customizable puzzles based on the curriculum they were covering.. 3. Crossword solving involves several useful skills including vocabulary, reasoning, spelling, and word attack skills. |
1. Crossword solving involves several useful skills including vocabulary, reasoning, spelling, and word attack skills. 2. It can also involve making differentiations between similar words or phrases. - Correctly deciphering crossword also requires exact spelling, which for students may mean practicing dictionary skills. 3. Other important skills required for completing these puzzles include making inferences, evaluating choices, and drawing conclusions. 4. Students who might normally balk at practice tests or review sessions with the teacher find puzzle solving to be much less threatening and more like game play. |
7 | Maze |
1. To enhance the Confidence level among the students on a particular concept 2. To enrich the inclination towards Problem solving concepts. 3. Dynamic way to engage learners and help educators assess learning. |
1. Different activities are designed along with Class room teaching to make Software Engineering as joyful course for the students. 2. The proposed methodology helped the students to improve their Engineering concepts with an different approach. |
8 | Quiz |
1. Assess the student’s level of understanding about topics of quiz. 2. Find the gap where student requires more focus. 3. Motivate and build interest in students to have clarity of the topic under study. |
1. Individual student’s level of understanding can be assessed. 2. Overall class performance can be assessed. 3. Frequently missed questions (wrong answers) indicate the gap where more clarity is required by students. |
9 | Circuit Scan |
1. The student should be able to solve simple computational problems that relate the voltage, resistance and current for a simple circuit.. 2. The student should be able to mathematically analyze a combination circuit to determine the equivalent resistance, the total circuit current and the current through each resistor.. |
1. Circuit scan can improve the learning experience by analyzing the various circuits.. 2. It can make students remember various equations and formulas to solve the circuits and find the respective parameters.. 3. Brings healthy competitions among the students.. |
10 | Navigator |
1. Students learn through their participation in the attainment of knowledge by gathering information and articulating what they have discovered. 2. A good question can pique their interest, make them wonder why, get them to think, and motivate them to make connections with the content. |
1. Navigator will help the students to understand the process involved in solving critical problems. 2. It enhances students thinking ability. |